Call for Spring Auditions for the 2025-26 Season!

April 16, 2024

Going into its 29th season, the Philadelphia Sinfonia program includes several performance opportunities for each orchestra, varied and challenging repertoire, master classes, and sectionals. We have four orchestras:

Philadelphia Sinfonia (PS): advanced full symphonic orchestra for ages 14–23
Rehearsals: Saturdays, 2:50–5:30 PM

Philadelphia Sinfonia Players (PSP): intermediate-advanced full symphonic orchestra for ages 11–18
Rehearsals: Saturdays, 9:50 AM–12:00 noon

Philadelphia Sinfonia Chamber Orchestra (PSCO): advanced string orchestra | Open to any PS string player
Rehearsals: Saturdays, 12:20–2:00 PM

Philadelphia Sinfonia Strings (PSS): new string ensemble to build orchestral skills for musicians age 10–16.
Rehearsals: Saturdays 9:20–11:00 AM

For PS And PSP: Auditioning musicians are expected to perform two different movements from a concerto or sonata — one technical movement and one slower, more melodic movement –without accompaniment; perform major scales up to four flats and four sharps (up to 3 octaves); sight read.

Percussion and harp: please check our website for specific requirements.

For PSS — Philadelphia Sinfonia Strings’ Auditions: Perform 2-octave major scales up to 4 flats and 4 sharps; play a piece that demonstrates your technical ability; and sight-read music provided in the audition.

Openings available for all instruments!  


Saturday, May 24: 10:00 AM–6:00 PM
Sunday, May 25: 10:00 AM–6:00 PM
Saturday, May 31: 10:00 AM–6:00 PM
Sunday, June 1: 10:00 AM–6:00 PM

Auditions take place at:

The Howard Center for the Arts
1212 Wood Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107